Java ODRL 2.0 API
2014-08-27 licenses, software
2014-08-27 licenses, software
Older posts
2024-11 Legal compliance wizards with BPMN
2024-10 Public deliverables
2023-02 Testing rdflib
2022-01 TermLex: extension to ontolex-lemon
2021-06 La Web de Datos
2021-06 Wemos D1 R32
2020-12 ODRL Actions
2020-11 WhenTheFact
2020-11 Moonshot Ontologies of Innovation
2020-08 Arc diagrams
2020-06 This server
2020-06 Interplanetary Ontologies
2020-05 Arduino Lego
2019-07 Linked Democracy
2019-07 Data Privacy Vocabularies
2018-09 Spanish Legislation as Linked Data
2018-07 ODRL 2.2 Editor
2018-06 Corpus for Marketing Analysis in Spanish
2018-03 Digital me
2018-02 Proyecto 4V
2018-01 Some projects
2017-09 ODRL 2.2 Validator
2017-01 Ontology of EU Cookies
2016-08 Legal Aspects of Linked Data
2016-07 OWL Validator
2016-04 Twitter coverage of solar eclipse
2016-02 My contributions to MPEG
2016-01 H2020 CSA CLARITY
2015-12 RESTful Web Service to get the text of well-known licenses
2015-09 List of webs I have published (incomplete)
2015-09 A Linked Term Bank of Copyright-Related Terms
2015-08 Guidelines diagram for licensing Linked Data
2015-05 Chess in RDF
2015-02 License declaration in vocabularies
2015-02 RDF Transcode in Windows Explorer context menu
2015-02 License discovery service for RDF documents
2015-01 Levels of rights information
2015-01 Cosasbuenas: Blogging on artificial intelligence and law
2015-01 How O is the LOD cloud? (revisited)
2014-10 RDFLicense: a dataset of licenses in RDF
2014-10 Generating PDF programmatically
2014-09 From TBX terminologies to RDF
2014-08 Java ODRL 2.0 API
2014-06 Media Contract Ontology
2014-05 Rights and Licenses for Linked Data
2014-05 Social Web: Where are the Semantics?
2014-04 Why you should license your ontology
2014-02 An ODRL2.0 RDF editor
2014-01 Trying Fuseki
2013-10 ODRL 2.0
2013-10 How to license content stylishly
2013-09 Linked Data Rights vocabulary
2013-09 Vocabularies for licensing linked data
2013-09 An Observatory for the use of Licenses in Linked Data
2013-08 Vocabularies for licenses
2013-07 Licensing example for an RDF mapping
2013-06 To void or not to void
2013-06 RDF Triples en español
2013-06 How O is the LOD cloud?
2013-05 Loading large RDF in Virtuoso
2013-05 Semantic Characterization of Tweets Using Topic Models
2013-05 First impressions on DCAT
2013-05 Apache RAT
2013-04 How to license an RDF document
2013-02 Linked Data, Big Data, Open Data
2013-02 Example of use of RDFa
2013-01 The man as a black box
2012-12 Broken Linked Data
2012-12 The Flickr Copyright Policeman
2012-11 Mapping of the Music Ontology to MVCO and PROV-O
2012-11 Sentweemiento
2012-11 Clustering algorithm with Tweets
2012-11 Tribulations of a data researcher
2012-10 Bits and RDF Triples: Access control and link control.
2012-10 Bits and RDF Triples
2012-09 Sample Twitter datasets
2012-09 Distance metrics between Tweets
2012-02 Semantic Web narcissism
2012-01 The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
2011-11 The Semantic Web is the Tao
2011-11 Broken Linked Data (revisited)
2011-05 Luditas digitales
2010-01 Estudio Matemático de la Quiniela
2008-10 Mindstorms Mobile Webcam
2007-04 Método de juego a la quiniela
2006-11 Dictionary for mobile phones
2006-02 Omar, Computer Chess Player
1999-08 My oldest webpage
1999-02 La Pocha
2024-11 Legal compliance wizards with BPMN
2024-10 Public deliverables
2023-02 Testing rdflib
2022-01 TermLex: extension to ontolex-lemon
2021-06 La Web de Datos
2021-06 Wemos D1 R32
2020-12 ODRL Actions
2020-11 WhenTheFact
2020-11 Moonshot Ontologies of Innovation
2020-08 Arc diagrams
2020-06 This server
2020-06 Interplanetary Ontologies
2020-05 Arduino Lego
2019-07 Linked Democracy
2019-07 Data Privacy Vocabularies
2018-09 Spanish Legislation as Linked Data
2018-07 ODRL 2.2 Editor
2018-06 Corpus for Marketing Analysis in Spanish
2018-03 Digital me
2018-02 Proyecto 4V
2018-01 Some projects
2017-09 ODRL 2.2 Validator
2017-01 Ontology of EU Cookies
2016-08 Legal Aspects of Linked Data
2016-07 OWL Validator
2016-04 Twitter coverage of solar eclipse
2016-02 My contributions to MPEG
2016-01 H2020 CSA CLARITY
2015-12 RESTful Web Service to get the text of well-known licenses
2015-09 List of webs I have published (incomplete)
2015-09 A Linked Term Bank of Copyright-Related Terms
2015-08 Guidelines diagram for licensing Linked Data
2015-05 Chess in RDF
2015-02 License declaration in vocabularies
2015-02 RDF Transcode in Windows Explorer context menu
2015-02 License discovery service for RDF documents
2015-01 Levels of rights information
2015-01 contact
2015-01 Search
2015-01 Cosasbuenas: Blogging on artificial intelligence and law
2015-01 How O is the LOD cloud? (revisited)
2014-10 RDFLicense: a dataset of licenses in RDF
2014-10 Generating PDF programmatically
2014-09 From TBX terminologies to RDF
2014-08 Java ODRL 2.0 API
2014-06 Media Contract Ontology
2014-05 Rights and Licenses for Linked Data
2014-05 Social Web: Where are the Semantics?
2014-04 Why you should license your ontology
2014-02 An ODRL2.0 RDF editor
2014-01 Trying Fuseki
2013-10 ODRL 2.0
2013-10 How to license content stylishly
2013-09 Linked Data Rights vocabulary
2013-09 Vocabularies for licensing linked data
2013-09 An Observatory for the use of Licenses in Linked Data
2013-08 Vocabularies for licenses
2013-07 Licensing example for an RDF mapping
2013-06 To void or not to void
2013-06 RDF Triples en español
2013-06 How O is the LOD cloud?
2013-05 Loading large RDF in Virtuoso
2013-05 Semantic Characterization of Tweets Using Topic Models
2013-05 First impressions on DCAT
2013-05 Apache RAT
2013-04 How to license an RDF document
2013-02 Linked Data, Big Data, Open Data
2013-02 Example of use of RDFa
2013-01 The man as a black box
2012-12 Broken Linked Data
2012-12 The Flickr Copyright Policeman
2012-11 Mapping of the Music Ontology to MVCO and PROV-O
2012-11 Sentweemiento
2012-11 Clustering algorithm with Tweets
2012-11 Tribulations of a data researcher
2012-10 Bits and RDF Triples: Access control and link control.
2012-10 Bits and RDF Triples
2012-09 Sample Twitter datasets
2012-09 Distance metrics between Tweets
2012-02 Semantic Web narcissism
2012-01 The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
2011-11 The Semantic Web is the Tao
2011-11 Broken Linked Data (revisited)
2011-05 Luditas digitales
2010-01 Estudio Matemático de la Quiniela
2008-10 Mindstorms Mobile Webcam
2007-04 Método de juego a la quiniela
2006-11 Dictionary for mobile phones
2006-02 Omar, Computer Chess Player
1999-08 My oldest webpage
1999-02 La Pocha